

As an international student, you will find that there are many differences between how things are done in the United 州 and in your own country. 个人互动 between people, verbal and nonverbal communication, etc.,是你的一些方法 可能会注意到一些差异. 给 yourself time to adjust to living in the United 州. You may also experience a phenomenon known commonly as "文化 shock."

文化冲击 is not quite as shocking or as sudden as most people expect. 它是一部分 of the process of learning a new 文化. You may experience some discomfort before you are able to function well in a new setting. This discomfort is the "文化 shock" 适应过程的阶段.

Just as you will bring with you to the United 州 clothes and other personal items, you will also carry invisible "cultural baggage" when you travel. 那件行李 not as obvious as the items in your suitcases, but it will play a major role in your 适应国外. Cultural baggage contains the values that are important to you and the patterns of behavior that are customary in your 文化. 你知道的越多 about your personal values, the better prepared you will be to see and understand the cultural differences you will encounter 在国外.

Adjusting to a new 文化 - some tips


Studying 在国外 means making big changes in your daily life. 几代学生 have found that they go through a predictable series of stages as they adjust to living 在国外.


The most effective way to combat 文化 shock is to step back from a given event that has bothered you, assess it, and search for an appropriate explanation and response. 试试下面的方法:


Sometimes students worry about "losing their 文化" if they become too well adapted 东道国文化. Don't worry: it is virtually impossible to lose the 文化 in 你是在那里长大的. In fact, learning about the new 文化 often increases your appreciation for and understanding of your own 文化. 不要拒绝机会 to become bicultural; that is, able to function competently in two cultural environments.

Just as 文化 shock derives from the accumulation of cultural clashes, so can an accumulation of small successes lead to more effective interactions within the new 文化. As you increase your abilities to manage and understand the new social system, practices that recently seemed so strange will become less puzzling. 最终你 will adapt sufficiently to do your best in your studies and social life and to relax 充分享受这段经历. And you will recover your sense of humor!